
Our simple school policy is:

  • Every child should be reading at home several times a week - we'd like you to aim for 5 times a week. 
    • This is the number one priority!
  • Most children will have some words to learn each week (spellings). 
    • Please practise during the week so you improve your test score.
    • We use Emile to help practising be more enjoyable.
  • Learning Maths Facts - times tables, number bonds, telling the time, etc.
    • Please practise during the week.
    • This can also be practised using Emile.


Reading is vital.  The more reading a child does, the more likely they are to be successful in life.  Please read to them when they are younger, and help them to find books they love all the way through their childhood.

Learning Spellings

A good way to practise these is to use a 'Look, Cover, Write, Check' method. Children should have a good look at the word they are learning, then cover it up and try to write it correctly.  Then uncover the word to check that it has been written correctly.  Children can also practise without writing - asking your children to say the sounds/letters in the right order is good too.

Learning Times Tables

Repeating (chanting) times tables is a good start.  Children do need to be able to remember the facts in a random order as well though, so mix it up a bit.

Blank grids are another straightforward way of practising.  Try the links below which can generate blank grids or quizzes for you (fun for all the family!)

