
This document library includes the most recent versions of school maintained policies.

Policies that are centrally maintained by Community Academies Trust can be found on the CAT website, including the trust's Whistleblowing policy.

There is a document in the list below ('Centrally maintained policies') that shows all the policies that are available on the CAT website.

Here is a direct link to the Child Protection and Safeguarding policy held on Community Academies Trust's website.  There is an appendix to this policy here, which contains details of school-specific safeguarding information (additional things that we do). 

Filename Size Date
Accessibility Plan 2022-2025.pdf 185.8KB 20/03/2024
Admissions Policy 2025-26.pdf 152.5KB 14/11/2024
Admissions Policy 2026-27.pdf 153.2KB 14/11/2024
Attendance and Punctuality Policy - Primary - December 2... 622.3KB 17/12/2024
Attendance poster June 2024.jpg 136.0KB 21/10/2024
Business Continuity Policy 862.7KB 17/12/2024
CAT Complaints Policy - February 2025.pdf 335.3KB 24/03/2025
CAT Exclusion Policy 2024 246.9KB 27/01/2025
CAT Health and Safety Policy 2024 434.9KB 07/10/2024
Centrally maintained policies (list).pdf 100.1KB 13/09/2022
Charging Policy 2024.pdf 420.8KB 17/12/2024
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy Appendix - 2024 ... 314.6KB 13/11/2024
Child-on-Child Abuse - Victim Support Plan Template.pdf 42.3KB 18/04/2024
Child-on-Child Abuse Policy 2024.pdf 931.2KB 18/04/2024
Complaints Annex 2 (school specific approach).pdf 72.3KB 15/01/2025
Curriculum Teaching Learning and Assessment Policy comple... 615.2KB 12/04/2024
Equality Policy 2024.pdf 1.3MB 18/04/2024
First Aid Policy 2022.pdf 127.9KB 12/09/2022
Medicines Policy 2022.pdf 175.4KB 12/09/2022
Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy.pdf 364.7KB 18/04/2024
Online Safety Policy 2024.pdf 203.4KB 18/04/2024
Online Safety Policy Appendix - T&W IDT Security - Keepin... 1.5MB 18/04/2024
Physical Intervention Policy 2024.pdf 186.3KB 18/04/2024
Positive Behaviour Policy Autumn 2024.pdf 559.2KB 17/12/2024
SEND Information Report 2024-2025 WPS.pdf 395.8KB 11/12/2024
SEND Policy 2024.pdf 346.4KB 14/11/2024
Sport Premium Plan 2023-24.pdf (1) 84.3KB 11/09/2024
Sport Premium Plan 2024-25.pdf 84.6KB 11/09/2024
Windmill Mental Health Offer.pdf 287.4KB 18/04/2023
Windmill PHSE policy - Appendix 3 - Statutory RSE 'Changi... 206.6KB 21/03/2024
Windmill PSHE policy - Appendix 4 - Including and valuing... 1.1MB 21/03/2024
Windmill PSHE Policy (including RSE).pdf 260.3KB 18/04/2024
Windmill RSE - A guide for parents.pdf 279.4KB 21/03/2024