My child doesn't listen to me (doesn't behave)
First contact in school: Mrs Richards (Assistant Headteacher)
- Available on 01952 386360 in the afternoons, or email [email protected] anytime
Other helpful people: Miss Jenks (Emotional Literacy Support Coordinator), Mrs Coles (Welfare Lead / Children's Champion) and Mrs Peart (Welfare Assistant)
Further information:
- Our school website behaviour page: Expectations of Pupils (Conduct) | Windmill Primary School
- Weekly Drop In sessions for parents and carers at Southwater Library - Wednesdays 9:30am - 12:30pm
- Telford Health Visitors can help with School Readiness - phone 0333 358 3328
(they also run a School Readiness clinic for Under 5s every Wednesday, but you need to book in using the phone number) - Free online course for parents and carers:
Explanation of course: Understanding your child - online course for parents/carers | Live Well Telford
Direct link to course (use code DARWIN18 as your access code): Online Learning (heiapply.com) - Practical tips to support children’s wellbeing and behaviour: Place2Be: Parenting Smart: Articles
Other sources of help:
- Managing challenging behaviour - Family Action (family-action.org.uk)
- How to deal with challenging behaviour in children - Social care and support guide - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
- Challenging behaviour | Family Lives
- Managing children's behaviour | Compass (compass-uk.org)